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Bath Preservation Trust
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No.1 Creators Club: Creative Collage

Event Date: 07/09/2024

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7 September: Creative Collage

Get inspired by the beautiful buildings of Bath, and create a layered paint and collage artwork exploring the geometry and forms of Bath architecture.

Led by artist Taryn Thomas, the session will explore the history behind the city’s design and introduce collage, painting and observational skills in a relaxed and creative environment.

Suitable for ages 8-14.

£10 per child
£9 concession (available if child or their parent/carer is in receipt of Universal Credit, Tax Credits, Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments)

Important info:

Children are required to attend by themselves if possible; please get in touch if this presents a barrier to attendance.

Sessions take place in the Servant's Hall during museum open hours. The room is wheelchair accessible and the disabled toilet is nearby.

Parents waiting may wish to visit the museum and take advantage of buying our annual pass. There are also several cafes within 5 minutes’ walk.


You can only book one session at a time. When you select a session, any previously chosen sessions will be cleared. To book multiple different session times, complete your first session booking, then return back to this page to add additional sessions. Once you have all sessions in your basket, then proceed to the checkout area.

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